La recensione apparirà sul Club GHoST con la copertina solo se Tony avrà messo la testa a posto. Mi raccomando Tony! Grazie Paul!
Per chi vuole conoscere Paul Di Filippo, un grande uomo e un grande scrittore di Fantascienza e Weird può andare sul suo sito personale:
oppure su wiki:
Qui ci sono due interviste in italiano:
A presto.
Luca Bonatesta
I would like to make a clarification. From the review of the beautiful Madness aka Anarchy Vol 1 by Rosselli and Kirby I had to remove the cover image for reasons of protection of privacy and copyright. Tony The Meat has indeed used clippings of photos of people who have threatened legal action against the Outcast Press. Their business if they want to go against the whole world, but I personally don't want question by lawyers from the US. Massimo Ferrara, too, I think. Obviously I'm grateful to Paul Di Filippo for introducing me to this extraordinary work and I hope he can send me as soon as possible the second volume. I want to read it and write about.
The review will appear on the Club GHoST with the cover image only if Tony will "put his head in place" as we Italian say. I recommend you, Tony! Thanks Paul!
For those who want to know Paul Di Filippo, a great man and a great writer of Science Fiction and Weird you can go on his personal website:
or on the wiki:
Here are two interviews in Italian:
See you soon.
di Luca Bonatesta