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Archivio GHoST (soundtrack) - Halloween

Halloween (John Carpenter - 1978)

Halloween Theme - Main Title; Laurie's Theme; Shape Escapes; Meyers' House; Michael Kills Judith; Loomis And Shape's Car; "The Haunted House"; The Shape Lurks; Laurie Knows; Better Check The Kids; The Shape Stalks.
Titolo disponibile in Archivio GHoST
Codice: S00011


Archivio GHoST (soundtrack) - Cat People

Cat People (Giorgio Moroder - 1982)

Cat People (Putting Out Fire); The Autopsy; Irena's Theme; Night Rabbit; Leopard Tree Dream; Paul's Theme (Jogging Chase); The Myth; To the Bridge; Transformation Seduction; Bring the Prod.

Bonus Track:
Suite movie version; Leopard Tree Dream movie version.

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Titolo disponibile in Archivio GHoST
Codice: S00010